Sunday 10 April 2011

Warning: Christian Pedophiles Are After Your Children!

It may seem obvious, but it is little reported in the mainstream media. All Catholic priests around the world who are pedophiles are actually Christians. Is there is something in the Christian faith that causes this mental illness, or is it that Christianity is actually the "cover" for the worlds largest child abuse ring? Either way, I do not want to see innocent children exposed to the pedophiles who run rampant through the Church.

As a responsible parent and grandparent, I have forbidden my children and grandchildren to associate with any Christian pedophile. This means no church, no bake sales, no public school, no going to the mall. America is the most Christian nation on earth, and therefore has the most pedophiles on earth.

They say they love children, but they never clarify in what sick way it is that they love them. Pedophiles want to rape your children!

Christians set up all kinds of lures to recruit children. They use Sunday school, camps, youth groups and even the Boy Scouts to gain access to your children and teach them "the  Christian way."

this post is satire